Stock Updates: AMZN


Intially some people thought it was a book seller. They were wrong. Now Some people think it is a retailer. They are wrong. Some other people think it is .Com. They are wrong. Some people think it is technology company. They are wrong. So what is Amazon. Amazon is none of the above. It is also all of the above. It is company which knows how to re-invent itself.

It was a .Com. and it still is.
It was a book seller and it still is.
It was a retailer and it still is.
It was technology company and it still is.

But now it is also
A web service provider. A platform on which people can write a applications.
A product developer with launch of Kindle: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device
A provider of music and video with UnBox Videos
& MP3 Downloads
A meeting place for sellers and buyer by allowing other people to sell Amazon's inventory like

I am right now monitoring AMZN and would be buying it at any weakness.

Happy Investing

PS: I have selected some book above for you to read.


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