Click Software (CKSW)

I have been investing in stocks for about 2 years now but I have till date never written about stocks. The question is why now. The reason is simple, till date I felt like I knew next to nothing. In last two year I have read articles and books from a lot of gurus. Based on knowledge gained and also based on my experiences in last two years I think I am now ready to share my experiences. One more reason is when I started investing in stocks I was misguided a lot by reading message boards. Every one posting on message board seemed to act like a Guru so I felt there was need for some one like me to write honestly without pumping or dumping a stock. I will write only about stocks I own. I would also disclose how many stocks I own. I am in no way a rich guy so my quantities would be small but because I am not rich I would not risk small amounts of money.

Before I start writing I would like to ask people to do their research on any company. I am not a very savvy investor. Most of my stocks are bought because I like story the company has and because of its fundamentals. To me what is more important is whether the idea the company has for growth is feasible or not.

CKSW or Click Software is very small company which is basically in field of Schedule Optimization. Mathematically Optimization is not trivial problem to solve. The problem workforce schedule optimization becomes more complex as number of variables increase.

Now let’s see who needs to optimize, practically everybody. This becomes more important with mobile workforce of service oriented company. With optimization you not only are able achieve higher level of customer satisfaction but also save on cost like fuel, best utilization of work hours of your work force etc. I know the next obvious question is why there are so few companies in this field.

As I have already written optimization is not trivial and with more variable the problem becomes more and more complex. This is exactly the reason why I see an opportunity here. Click Software has no real competitors. And more over it has number of big clients which to me proves that they have some sort of solution which might not be perfect but does work.

I own shares of CKSW. I sold half at 5.58. I still have remaining half with an average price of $3.58. My price target if $10 by Jan 2008. If they fall to a level of $4.00 I would buy more. There is also a chance that some company may buy them.

Happy Investing!!!!


rkinman said…
I own CKSW as well and it looks great! Thanks for some of your input. I am new and really like reading what people have to say. Another company i have is BIDZ. They look like they could really explode. But i dont have any good thoughts on that. Any ideas?
Anonymous said…
I love CKSW. Thanks for your input. I look forward to continued reading of your blog.

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